Rules and regulations:

1.	In case of breaking of any of the rules of the institute, the concerned authority or the Head of the institute reserves the right to cancel the admission, and in all the cases the Fee is Non-Refundable.

2. Admission is liable to be cancelled in case of misbehavior or bad-conduct with any of the staff members, or if the student denies to follow, as instructed by the Trainer(Faculty)
3. Admission may be also cancelled if the student does not produce proper documents and Photographs at the proper time.
4. He will not be allowed for examinations if He fails to give 70% attendance for practical and theory classes, and in such case the decision of the institute will be final and binding to the student.
5. For all the other cases also, the decision of the institute is final and binding to the student.
6. We can use Photographs and videos during institute time for adversting of institute (kindly contact institute any type of query).
7. Fee is Non-Refundable in all cases

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